Get in touch with me
Here you find my social profiles and my direct contacts
My social platforms
I’m an italian man working from Rome (Italy).
If you’d like to hire me for a digital project you probably need to have a look at my LinkedIn page.
If you want to discuss something about my writings you can send me a tweet on X, aka the old and beloved Twitter i still enjoy.
If you are curious about my own personal journey you can for sure lurk my Instagram profile, where you find my everyday life shots and ‘some’ tips about my digital insights.
If you need to see my face you can even reach my YouTube channel and my TikTok profile, where i usually speak in my own native language, italian.
My contact form
Probably the best way to have a clean contact with me is using this old fashioned contact form, putting your best email on the proper field.
I’m going to respond as soon as possible.
My WhatsApp and my phone number
If you want to have a short chat with me feel free to engage my WhatsApp.
Be short and expect short form anwsers if you use the chat.
If you want to hire me you can also book a phone call, here is my number: +39 3314261480.
If you call without a reservation i do not assure you I'll take the call.